
Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya mantra 108 times
Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya mantra 108 times

om namo bhagavate vasudevaya mantra 108 times

This Sanskrit mantra can be practiced to attain freedom (moksha) from Samsara – the “Karmic Wheel” that keeps us bound to cycle after cycle of incarnations. Also, Vasudeva is an alternate name for Lord Krishna, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu – the Preserver.ĪLSO READ: Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha – Gayatri Mantra Chanting Moksha (Liberation Mantra) Benefits: Vasudevaya – on the macrocosmic level, Vasudeva is the only and infinite Brahman – formless and without any characteristic. Nevertheless, no word can describe the supreme spirit that is all-powerful, individual, and the cause of all things. Namo – represents total self-giving, perfect surrender.īhagavate – represents a way to worship that Supreme Being. It is believed that as creation began, the divine took the form of the first vibration manifesting as sound “OM.” It is a strong, inner experience, one that yogis hold with great reverence. Om – represents the primordial, sacred, eternal divine sound heard in deep meditation. READ MORE: Green Tara Mantra – Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Mantra Meaning: ”Salutations to the Indweller who is omnipresent, omnipotent, immortal, and divine.” “Om, I bow to Lord Vasudeva or Lord Krishna.” Translations of this mantra are rich and varied due to the nature of ancient Sanskrit, which is a vibrational language that has many layers of meaning. Moreover, this mantra can also be found in Vishnu Purana, and it is the main mantra of the Vedic scripture “Srimad Bhagavatam.”ĪLSO READ: What is the meaning of NAMO AMITUOFO (Namo Amitabha) chant? Dvadasaksara mantra translation: Believe in putting faith in me and make me your own” – Lord Krishna. I am committed to those who are committed to their duties. I respond to the call of the heart immediately and invariably. “Everybody should recite this moksha mantra daily whenever possible so that I will stand by them. Lord Vishnu is the Lord and Preserver of the Universe and a part of “The Trinity” of the Hindu concept of the highest universal energy, that penetrates the matter that exists in this visible world. It is also used for one of Lord Vishnu’s avatars, Krishna. This mantra is a spiritual formula for attaining freedom, considered to be the supreme mantra of Lord Vishnu. This twelve-syllable mantra – Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya is known as a Mukti (liberation) mantra or a dvadasaksara mantra (a mantra of twelve syllables). It can contain exactly what you need during your training or any other time in your LIFE, or not.What are the meanings and benefits of Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya mantra? Introduction I feel each students relationship with this mantra can be so very different, as I have learned since my training. Over time I have heard this mantra again and again, and each time there is a new, yet familiar connection. In my personal experience, through the recognition of self I was able to begin to build a solid foundation of intention, laying this mantra at the very base of all of it. If ever you are to do a yoga teacher training you will learn the power, the gift, of transformation in the first few minutes. We repeated these words over and over through the entire training and I feel became embedded inside the foundation of my being. I can recall the experience of my teacher training and can feel the essence of this mantra. For me there is a mystery behind these words. I keep this, alongside my other prayers and mantras, posted on my desk so as to have it available to me whenever I need it. I feel strongly connected to the power and possibility of these words. This mantra is sacred in its own way and so very meaningful. Any of my fellow classmates from yoga teacher training know this mantra well. It is only when I listen am I able to really take in what is in front of me, in the now. Often my present moment is a reflection from a past experience, showing me or telling me what I need to know.

om namo bhagavate vasudevaya mantra 108 times om namo bhagavate vasudevaya mantra 108 times

Looking back over your LIFE, for me, has provided me with the wisdom that I need today in the present moment. I always say there are so many lessons and opportunities in the present moment but do not disregard the power of hindsight. I feel like its funny that I can look back over time and recall certain phrases, intentions, pieces of my memory that stand out enough to compile a weeks worth, if not more, of mantras that have showed up in my LIFE. The translation that speaks through me is ‘I honor all that sustains me.’ Literal translation for this mantra is ‘ Om, I bow to Lord Vasudeva or Lord Krishna‘ ……….and then there was this little mantra that changed my LIFE

Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya mantra 108 times